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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10561839"

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(51) International Patent Classification 6 : 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 99/45357 

(43) International Publication Date: 10 September 1999 (10.09.99) 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US99/04473 

(22) International Filing Date: 2 March 1999 (02.03.99) 

(30) Priority Data: 


2 March 1998 (02.03.98) 


(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): TRUSTEES 

OF TUFTS COLLEGE [US/US]; Tufts University, Ballou 
Hall, Medford, MA 02155 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): WALT, David, R. 
[US/US]; 4 Candlewick Close, Lexington, MA 02178 
(US). TAYLOR, Laura [US/US]; 15A Bradbury Avenue, 
Medford, MA 02155 (US). 

(74) Agent: CREEHAN, R., Dennis; P.O. Box 750070, Arlington 
Heights, MA 02175-0070 (US). 

(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA. BB, BG, BR, 
GE, GH, GM, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, 
KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, 
MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, 
SL, TJ, TM, TO, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, 
ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, UG, 
ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, 
TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, 
FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent 
(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE. 
SN, TD, TG). 


Without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report. 

(57) Abstract 

A biosensor, sensor 
array, sensing method 
and sensing apparatus 
are provided in which 
individual cells or randomly 
mixed populations of cells, 
having unique response 
characteristics to chemical 
and biological materials, are 
deployed in a plurality of 
discrete sites in a substrate. 
In a preferred embodiment, 
the discrete sites comprise 
microwells formed at the 
distal end of individual 
fibers within a fiber optic 
array. The biosensor 
array utilizes an optically 
interrogatable encoding 
scheme for determining 
the identity and location of 
each type in the array and 
provides for simultaneous 
measurements of large 
numbers of individual cell 
responses to target analytes. 
The sensing method utilizes 
the unique ability of cell 
populations to respond to 

biologically* significant compounds in a characteristic and detectable manner. The biosensor array and measurement method may be 
employed in the study of biologically active materials, in situ environmental monitoring, monitoring of a variety of bioprocesses, and for 
high throughput screening of large combinatorial chemical libraries. 

Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of a single NEH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell in an etched 
microwcll. Each well h» a diameter of 7pm. a deprfi of 5pm. and a volume of - !45fL. 

Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT. 




































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WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 

The present invention is generally concerned with biosensors, biosensor arrays, and sensing 
apparatus, and sensing methods for the analysis of chemical and biological materials. More 
particularly, the invention is directed to biosensors, biosensor arrays, sensing apparatus and sensing 
methods which employ cells and mixed populations of cells for analysis of chemical and biological 

It is generally recognized that important technical advances in chemistry, biology and 
medicine benefit from the ability to perform microanalysis of samples in minute quantities. However, 
making analytical measurements on minute quantities has long been a challenge due to difficulties 
encountered with small volume sample handling, isolation of analytes, and micro-analysis of single- 
cell physiology. 

Nanoliter, picoliter, and femtoliter volume studies have been explored in a range- of 
applications involving in vitro and in vivo cellular investigations [R.M. Wightman, et al., Proc. Natl. 
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88:10754(1991); R.H.Chow, etal. Nature 356:60(1992); T.K. Chen, et al. Anal. 
Chem. 66:3031(1994); S.E. Zerby, et al., Neurochem. 66:651(1996); P.A. Garis, et al. J.Neurosci. 
14:6084(1994); G.Chen, et al., J.Neurosci. 15:7747(1995)], electrochemistry [R.A. Clark, et al., Anal. 
Chem. 69(2):259(1997)], matrix-assisted laser desorption- ionization mass spectrometry [S. 
Jespersen, et al., Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 8:581(1994)], micro-column liquid 
chromatography [I.A.Holland, etal., Anal.Chem. 67:3275(1995); M.D. Oates, et al., Anal. Chem. 
62:1573(1990)], micro-titration [M. Gratzl, et al Anal.Chem. 65:2085(1993); C.Yi, et al.. Anal.Chem. 
66:1976(1994)], and capillary electrophoresis [M.Jansson, et al., J.Chromatogr. 626:310(1992); 
P.Beyer Hietpas, et al. J.Uq.Chromatogr. 18:3557(1995)]. 

Clark, et al. [Anal.Chem. 69(2):259(1997)] has disclosed a method for fabricating picoliter 
microvials for electrochemical microanalysis using conventional photolithographic masking and 
photoresist techniques to transfer mold polystyrene microvials on silicon wafer templates. These 

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microvials typically exhibit non-uniformity in size and shape due to the difficulty in controlling the resist 
etching of the molding surface and the transfer molding process. 

Park, et al. [Science 276:1401(1997)] has disclosed a modified lithographic method for 
producing arrays of nanometer-sized holes using polystyrene-polybutadiene, ordered, diblock 
5 copolymers as masks in reactive ion etching of silicon nitride. This multi-step method is capable of 
producing arrays of picoliter-sized holes which are typically 20 nanometers in diameter and 20 
nanometers deep with a spacing of 40 nanometers. Hole densities of up to 1 0 1 1 holes/cm 2 are 
disclosed. The range of sizes and spacings of the holes produced by this method is limited by the size 
of the copolymer microdomains. Uniformity of hole size and spacing is difficult to maintain with this 

10 method due to difficulties in controlling the etching method employed to form the holes. 

Deutsch, et al. [Cytometry 16:214(1994)] have disclosed a porous electroplated nickel 
microarray comprised of micron-sized conical holes in blackened nickel plate. Hole sizes range from a 
7 urn upper diameter to a 3 urn lower diameter with an 8 urn depth. The array is used as a cell carrier 
for trapping individual cells while studying the responses of individual cells to changes in their 

15 microenvironment. In U.S. Patent 4,772540, Deutsch, et al., have also disclosed a method for making 
such an array using a combined photoresist and electroplating technique. 

Corning Costar Corp. (Acton, Ma) produces a commercial microwell array for miniaturized 
assays under the trademark PixWell™. These arrays are made from microformed glass plates and 
comprise 40 urn diameter by 20 urn deep tapered wells with a well density of 4356 wells/cm 2 . 

2 0 Microwell arrays have particular utility in the study of living cells. In cell research, the 

measurement of responses of individual cells to changes or manipulations in their local environment is 
desirable. Any method or device designed for such studies must provide for the capability of 
maintaining cell viability, identifying the location of individual cells, and correlating response 
measurements with individual cells. 

2 5 Due to the availability of viable fluorescent probes for intracellular studies, fluorescence 

measurements of living cells have significant utility in the study of cell functions. Thus fluorescence 
optical measurements are often utilized in cell studies where three generic methods of cell 
measurement are available, comprising bulk measurements of cell populations, dynamic 
measurements of cell populations or individual cells, and static measurements of individual cells. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 
The characteristics of an entire cell population as a whole can be studied with bulk 
measurements of sample volumes having a plurality of cells. This method is preferred where cell 
populations are very homogeneous. A generally recognized limitation of this method is the presence 
of background fluorescence which reduces the sensitivity of measurements and the inability of 
5 distinguishing differences or heterogeneity within a cell population. 

Flow cytometry methods are often employed to reduce problems with background 
fluorescence which are encountered in bulk cell population measurements [M.R.Gauci, et al., 
Cytometry 25:388(1996); R.C.Boltz, et a!., Cytometry 17:128(1994)]. In these methods, cell 
fluorescence emission is measured as cells are transported through an excitation light beam by a 
10 laminar flowing fluid. Flow cytometry methods may be combined with static methods for preliminary 
sorting and depositing of a small number of cells on a substrate for subsequent static cell 
measurements [U.S. Patent No. 4,009,435 to Hogg, et al.; Kanz, et al., Cytometry 7:491 (1986); 
Schildkraut, et al., J.Histochem Cytochem 27,289(1979)]. 

Gauci, et al,, disclose a method where cell size, shape and volume is measured by light 
15 scattering and fluorescent dyes are utilized to determine protein content and total nucleic acid content 
of cells. This method further provides for counting and sizing various cells at a rate of approximately 
100 cells per second. 

Flow cytometry techniques are generally limited to short duration, single measurements of 
individual cells. Repetitive measurements on the same cell over time are not possible with this 
2 0 method since typical dwell times of a cell in the excitation light beam are typically a few microseconds. 
In addition, the low cumulative intensity from individual cell fluorescence emissions during such short 
measurement times reduces the precision and limits the reliability of such measurements. 

Regnier, et al., [Trends in Anai.Chem. 14(4):1 77(1 995)] discloses an invasive, 
electrophoretically mediated, microanalysis method for single cell analysis. The method utilizes a 

2 5 tapered microinjector at the injection end of a capillary electrophoresis column to pierce an individual 

cell membrane and withdraw a sample of cytoplasm. The method measures cell contents, one cell at 
a time. The method is generally limited to the detection of easily oxidized species. 

Hogan, et al., [Trends in AnaLChem. 12(1):4(1993)] discloses a microcolumn separation 
technique which may be utilized in combination with either a conventional gas chromatograph-mass 

3 0 spectrometer, micro thin layer chromatography or high pressure liquid manipulation of small cellular 

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volumes. The sensitivity of the method is limited and may require pre-seiection of target compounds 
for detection. 

Static methods are generally the preferred method for measurements on individual cells. 
Measurement methods range from observing individual cells with a conventional optical microscope to 
5 employing laser scanning microscopes with computerized image analysis systems [see L. Hart, et al. ( 
Anal Quant Cytol. Histol. 12:127(1990)]. Such methods typically require the attachment of individual 
cells to a substrate prior to actual measurements. Problems are typically encountered in attaching 
single cells or single layers of cells to substrates and in maintaining cells in a fixed location during 
analysis or manipulation of the cell microenvironment. Additionally, repetitive measurements on 

10 individual cells typically require physically indexing the location of individual cells and providing a 
mechanism for scanning each cell sequentially and returning to indexed cell locations for repeated 
analysis of individual cells. 

Huang, et al., [Trends in Anal Chem., 14(4)158(1995)] discloses a static electrochemical 
method and electrode for monitoring the biochemical environment of single cells. The method 

15 requires fabrication and manual positioning of a microelectrode reference and working electrode 
within the cell. The method has been used to detect insulin, nitric oxide and glucose inside single 
cells or external to the cells. The method is generally limited to the study of redox reactions within 

Ince, et al. [J.Immunol Methods 128:227(1990)] disclose a closed chamber device for the 
2 0 study of single cells under controlled environments. This method employs a micro-perfusion chamber 
which is capable of creating extreme environmental conditions for cell studies. Individual cells are 
held in place by two glass coverslips as various solutions are passed through the chamber. One 
limitation of the method is the difficulty in eliminating entrapped gas bubbles which cause a high 
degree of autofluorescence and thus reduces the sensitivity of measurements due to background 

2 5 fluorescence. 

In an attempt to overcome the limitations encountered with conventional static methods, 
Deutsch, et al., [Cytometry 16:214(1994)] and Weinreb and Deutsch, in U.S. Patent Nos. 4,729,949, 
5,272,081 , 5,310,674, and 5,506,141 , have disclosed an apparatus and method for repetitive optical 
measurements of individual cells within a cell population where the location of each cell is preserved 

3 0 during manipulation of the cell microenvironment. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 
A central feature of the apparatus disclosed by Deutsch, et al., is a cell carrier, comprising a 
two dimensional array of apertures or traps which are conical-shaped in order to trap and hold 
individual cells by applying suction. The cell carrier is typically fabricated by the combined 
electroplating-photoresist method disclosed in U.S. Patent 4,772540 to Deutsch, et al. The purpose 
5 of the cell carrier is to provide a means for maintaining the cells in fixed array locations while 

manipulating the cell environment. Individual cells are urged into cell carrier holes by suction and the 
wells are subsequently illuminated with a low-intensity beam of polarized light that reads back-emitted 
polarization and intensity. Measurements are compared when two different reagents are sequentially 
reacted with the ceils. The method as disclosed requires two separate cell carriers for both a baseline 

10 control and analyte measurement. 

The method and device of Deutsch, et al., have been employed by pathologists in diagnostic 
tests to determine the health and viability of cell samples taken from patients. The method and device 
have been applied to both cancer screening [Deutsch, et al., Cytometry 16:214(1994), Cytometry 
23:159(1996), and European J. Cancer 32A(10): 1758(1 996)] and rheumatoid arthritis [Zurgil, et al., 

15 isrJ.Med.Sci. 33:273(1997)] in which fluorescence polarization measurements are used to 

differentiate lymphocytes of malignant versus healthy cells based on changes in the internal viscosity 
and structuredness of the cytoplasmic matrix induced by exposure to tumor antigen and mitogens. 

The method and device disclosed by Deutsch, et al., requires employment of a scanning table 
driven by three stepping motors and a computer control system for mapping, indexing and locating 

2 0 individual cells in the cell carrier. The use of such mechanical scanning methods introduces 

limitations in reproducibility and accuracy of measurements due to conventional mechanical problems 
encountered with backlash and reproducible positioning of individual cell locations for repeated 
measurements. In addition, mechanical scanning of the entire array prolongs the measurement time 
for each cell in the array. 

2 5 The method disclosed by Deutsch, et al., is further limited by the use of fluorescence 

polarization measurements which have certain intrinsic limitations due to the significant influence of 
various optical system components on polarization as the fluorescence emission response is passed 
from the cell carrier to optical detectors. Birindelli, et al. [European J. Cancer 33(8): 1333(1 997)], has 
also identified limitations in this method due to fluctuations in electropolarisation values which require 

3 0 taking averages of at least three measurement scans for each condition so as to obtain reliable 

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measurements. In addition, for cell studies, polarization measurements are generally limited to celt 
responses which produce sufficient changes in cytoplasm viscosity to produce a detectable change in 
polarization. Since not all cell responses are accompanied by detectable viscosity changes, the 
method is further limited to the cell activities which create such viscosity changes in the cytoplasm. 
5 Zare, et a!., [Science 267:74(1995); Biophotonics International, March-April, p17 (1995)] 

discloses a biosensor system based on the response of living cells to complex biological materials 
fractionated by a microcolumn separation technique. Cells which were positioned on a glass cover 
slip were treated with a fluorescent probe and subsequently shown to be sensitive to a series of 
biological compounds including acetylcholine, bradykinin, and adenosine triphosphate as well as 

10 changes in intracellular calcium levels. 

Yeung, et al. [Acc. Chem. Res. 27:409(1994)] has reviewed a number of methods for single 
cell response studies and has observed a significant variation and heterogeneity within cell 
populations based on analyte measurements. For example, the reference discloses a capillary 
electrophoresis method for exposing cells to biologically reactive compounds, extracting the 

15 intracellular fluid of individual cells produced in response to such compounds, and identifying analytes 
from migration times in the capillary column. Other fluorescence-based assays are also disclosed. 
Significant cell-to-cell variations and heterogeneity in individual cell responses within a cell population 
were observed which differences could provide a means for discriminating between biological and 
chemical compounds in contact with individual cells. 

20 McConnell, et al. [Science, 257:1906(1992)], disclose a microphysiometer device known as 

the "Cytosensor" which uses a light addressable potentiometer sensor to measure the rate at which 
cells acidify their environment. This sensor acts as miniaturized pH electrode for monitoring cell 
responses which produce detectable changes in local pH. The disclosed device is limited to the 
measurement of proton excretions from cells and thus is only capable of detecting acidic cell 

2 5 responses to analytes. 

U.S. Patent No. 5,177,012 to Kim, et al., disclose a biosensor for the determination of glucose 
and fructose. The biosensor is produced by treating whole cells with an organic solvent and 
immobilizing the treated cells residue on a support to form a whole cell membrane which is applied to 
a pH electrode. 

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U.S. Patent No. 5,690,894 to Pinkel, et al., discloses a biosensor which employs biological 
"binding partners", materials such as nucleic acids, antibodies, proteins, lectins and other materials 
derived from cells, tissues, natural or genetically-engineered organisms. These agents are used in 
conjunction with a fiber optic array where each species of binding partners is uniquely addressed by 
5 a group of fibers within the fiber optic bundle which is coupled to an optical detector. The array was 
designed for screening of extensive arrays of biological binding partners. 

While many of the prior art methods provide for the analysis of either single cells or 
populations of cells and some of these methods provide for monitoring cell responses to target 
analytes, none of the disclosed methods provides for employing large populations of monocultures or 

1 0 mixed populations of living cells for simultaneously monitoring the responses of individual cells to 

biological stimuli produced by chemical and biological analytes. Thus there is a need for a biosensor 
array and method which efficiently utilizes the ability of populations of living cells to respond to 
biologically significant compounds in a unique and detectable manner. Since the selectivity of living 
cells for such compounds has considerable value and utility in drug screening and analysis of 

15 complex biological fluids, a biosensor which makes use of the unique characteristics of living cell 
populations would offer distinct advantages in high throughput screening of combinatorial libraries 
where hundreds of thousands of candidate pharmaceutical compounds must be evaluated. In 
addition, such a sensor would be useful in monitoring bioprocesses and environmental pollution 
where the enhanced sensitivity of living cells to their environment can be exploited. 


In general, the invention provides for a biosensor, a biosensor array, a biosensor sensing 
system and sensing methods for the analysis of chemical and biological materials. More particularly, 
the invention provides for biosensors and biosensor arrays, sensing apparatus and sensing methods 

2 5 which employ living cells and mixed populations of living cells for analysis of chemical and biological 


The biosensor array of the present invention comprises either a monoculture of living cells or 
randomly mixed populations of living cells wherein each individual cell in the array is positioned on a 
substrate at an optically-addressable, discrete site which accomodates the size and shape of 

3 0 individual cells. In one embodiment, the discrete site comprises a microwell or microcavity which is 

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preformed to accommodate the size and shape of the individual cells. The biosensor array sensing 
method relies on the well known fact that individual ceils, which are chemically or biologically 
stimulated by the presence of a biological or chemical material in the cell environment, will respond by 
producing a change in the cell or cellular environment which can be optically interrogated and 
5 detected within the cell itself or from an indicator compound, for example, a fluorophore, chromophore 
or dye, either attached to the ceil, taken up in the cell, or added to the local cell environment. The 
biosensor of the present invention thus capitalizes on the ability of living cells to respond to 
biologically significant compounds. Since the selectivity of living cells for such compounds has 
considerable value and utility in drug screening and analysis of complex biological fluids, the 

1 0 biosensor of the present invention offers distinct advantages to high throughput screening of 

combinatorial libraries where hundreds of thousands of candidate compounds must be evaluated. 

As will be appreciated by one skilled in the art, a variety of substrate materials and substrate 
configurations may be employed with the biosensor array of the present invention. Any substrate or 
material that can be adapted to provide discrete sites that are appropriate for the attachment or 

1 5 association of individual cells and is accessible for optical interrogation of the cell array and detection 
of cell responses would be particularly useful as an array substrate. Candidate substrate materials 
include, but are not limited to, glasses, polymers, ceramics, metals, and composites formed from 
these materials. Substrate surface geometries may be planer, spherical, concave, convex, and 
textured. Preferably, a suitable substrate would be configured so as to provide for optical 

2 0 interrogation of the array and detection of cell responses to analytes of interest. 

In a preferred embodiment, the biosensor array of the present invention is incorporated into a 
fiber optic array which serves as a substrate for cell placement. By "fiber optic array" or other 
grammatical equivalents herein is meant a plurality of individual fibers or fiber strands that may be 
either grouped together as discrete, individual fibers in a fiber bundle or, alternatively, joined along 
25 their axial dimensions as a preformed unitary fiber optic array. The individual fibers in such an array 
may be arranged in a uniform or coherent configuration, for example as in an imaging fiber, or may be 
randomly oriented and incoherent. When a fiber optic array is employed as a sensor substrate, the 
distal end of each fiber in a fiber optic bundle or fiber optic array is chemically etched so as to create a 
cavity or microwell. A schematic diagram of the biosensor array concept of the present invention is 

3 0 shown in Fig. 1 . In a preferred embodiment, individual living cells of either a monoculture of cells or 

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mixed populations of cell lines are deployed in the microwells. The microwells are formed by 
anisotropic etching of the cores of the individual fiber in the fiber bundle or fiber array. The microwells 
are formed by controlling the etching process so as to remove a centralized core portion of the 
individual fiber strands while leaving the surrounding cladding intact. The resultant etched cavity is 
5 dimensioned for accommodating an individual cell. By selecting a fiber optic bundle or fiber optic 
array whose individual fiber cores are appropriately sized and by careful control of the etching 
conditions, the diameter and depth of the microwells can be controlled and adjusted over any 
convenient dimension range so as to match the size of any desired cell type. 

In one embodiment, either discrete substrate cites or the interior surfaces of the microwells 
10 may be coated with a thin film of biologically compatible material such as collagen, fibronectin, 

polylysine, polyethylene glycol, polystyrene, or a metal such as gold, platinum or palladium. In an 
alternative embodiment, an indicator compound, for example, a fluorophore, a chromophore or dye, 
may be attached to the microwell surface for detecting cell responses to chemical or biological 

15 By incorporating a biosensor into an optically interrogatable substrate or a fiber optic array, 

the innovation of the biosensor of the present invention is in providing for optical coupling of individual 
cells located at discrete substrate cites or microwells with discrete detector elements, CCD cameras, 
or individual optical fibers in a fiber optic array or bundle that are in optical communication with such 
devices. By "optical coupling", "optical communication", or "optical cooperation" or other grammatical 

2 0 equivalents herein is meant the capability of either optically stimulating individual cells within the 

biosensor array with excitation light or optically interrogating the optical response of individual cells 
within the array to analytes, by conveying light to and from individual cells located at discrete cites 
within the array using either conventional optical train elements or optical fibers. Since typical fiber 
optic arrays contain thousands of discrete individual fiber strands, the invention thus provides for the 

2 5 individual optical coupling and interrogation of thousands of cells within an array, thereby providing for 
a large number of independent cell response measurements for each cell population within an array. 
Due to both the number of cell populations available and the correspondingly large number of 
individual cells within each cell population, a significant innovation of the present invention is in 
providing for the summing and amplification of the characteristic optical response signatures of 

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multiple independent measurements taken from cells within each cell population, thereby improving 
the detection limit and sensitivity of the biosensor. 

An additional innovation of the present invention is that, by deploying a large number of cell 
populations within the array, and providing a large number of individual cells in each population, the 
5 discriminating capabilities of the biosensor array toward biological or chemical analytes is significantly 
enhanced by providing for thousands of cell responses from a large number of cell populations. This 
feature directly mimics the actual behavior of the human olfactory system where the combined signals 
from thousands of receptor cells, in each grouping of nearly a thousand different receptor cell types 
found in the epithelium layer, none of which are particularly sensitive in themselves, lead to a highly 

10 amplified sensory response to odors [see Kauer, et al, Trends Neurosci. 14:79(1991). One 

embodiment of the present invention thus mimics the evolutionary scent amplification process found 
in the human olfactory system in order to significantly enhance biosensor array sensitivity to analytes 
by summing the low-level responses of a large number of cells in the biosensor array. By summing 
the responses from a number of cells at low analyte concentrations, a substantial improvement in 

15 signal-to-noise ratio can be achieved and a corresponding reduction in the detection limit of the 
biosensor array is obtained. 

A unique feature of the biosensor array of the present invention is that each of the individual 
cells and cell populations in the array may be encoded for maintaining cell type identity and location 
where randomly mixed populations of cells are employed. Cells may be encoded prior to disposing 

2 0 them in the microwells or, alternatively, following placement in the microwells. The invention provides 
for either encoding randomly mixed individual cells and cell populations with a fluorophoric or 
chromophoric dye compound or, alternatively, using self-encoded cells which are either naturally 
fluorescing or genetically engineered to fluoresce. Although cell populations may be randomly mixed 
together, this innovative feature provides for the identity and location of each cell type to be 

2 5 determined via a characteristic optical response signature when the eel! array is either illuminated by 

excitation light energy or, alternatively, subjected to biological stimuli. 

In one embodiment, cells or cell populations may be self-encoded by selecting cell 
populations, such as green fluorescent protein mutants, which exhibit either chemiluminescence, 
bioluminescence, or whose optical response to biological stimuli yield a unique detectable 

3 0 fluorescence signal. Other cell populations may be employed where cells within a population yield a 

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unique temporal optical response to stimuli. Either naturally occurring of genetically engineered cell 
lines may be utilized. 

In various alternative embodiments, cells may be encoded with dye compounds which are 
attached to cells, taken up by cells or provided in the local cell environment. Examples of useful 
5 encoding dyes include fluorophores, chromophores, stains or a dye compounds. For example, 
conventional cell fluorophore probes such as fluoresceins, rhodamines, naphthalimides, 
phycobiliproteins, nitrobenzoxadiazole may be utilized. A particularly useful reference for selecting 
appropriate encoding dyes is R.P. Haugland, Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research 
Chemicals (6 th ed.), Molecular Probes lnc.(Eugene, OR, 1996) which is herein incorporated by this 
1 0 reference. 

When dye compounds are employed for encoding, cell populations within the biosensor array 
may be readily decoded by exciting the array with excitation light and indexing cells types within 
randomly dispersed populations by their response to excitation. In one embodiment, a single 
fiuorophoric or chromophoric material or dye is used for encoding the cells. In an alternative 

15 embodiment, two or more encoding materials or dyes may be used to encode cell populations and the 
optical response intensity ratios for the dyes, produced by exposure to excitation light energy, are 
employed to encode and identify members of the cell population with the array. In an alternative 
embodiment, cells may be decoded by excitation light when exposed to a common analyte. In 
another embodiment, encoded cells may be decoded by their response to a generic cell activator 

2 0 using either a pH or Ca +2 indicator. 

The innovative cell encoding feature of the present invention overcomes certain limitations of 
prior art devices by eliminating the need for mechanically scanning the array, mechanically indexing 
the location of cells, and mechanically positioning the array for measurements of individual celts within 
the array. The invention thus provides for rapid, simultaneous measurements of all cells and cell 

2 5 populations within the array without the need to mechanically scan the array to acquire a series of 

sequential measurements for each cell. Thus monitoring and measuring the responses of all cells in 
the array occurs simultaneously without a prolonged delay between the first cell measurement and 
last cell measurement. The ability to measure all cell responses simultaneously thus provides for the 
capability to monitor both short term cell response and long term cell response. This innovative 

3 0 feature thus enables the monitoring of rapid biologically significant cell processes and cell responses 

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on a short time scale. In addition, the ability to simultaneously measure cell responses over a short 
time scale enables the measurement of individual cell and cell population response rates to changes 
in the biosensor array environment. This feature thus provides for additional discriminating response 
information which is useful for detecting biological or chemical analytes. 
5 The biosensor array of the present invention can employ either naturally occurring cells and 

celi populations or genetically engineered cell lines. Virtually any cell type and size can be 
accommodated by matching the cell size to individual optical fiber optic core diameters and etching 
conditions. In one embodiment, NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells were employed. In alternative 
embodiments, other cells types such as e. coli bacteria, staphylococcus bacteria, myoblast precursors 

10 to skeletal muscle cells, neutrophil white blood cells, lymphocyte white blood cells, erythroblast red 
blood cells, osteoblast bone cells, chondrocyte cartilage cells, basophil white blood cells, eosinophil 
white blood cells, adipocyte fat cells, invertebrate neurons (Helix aspera), mammalian neurons, or 
adrenomedullary cetls, may be utilized as well. Any cell type or mixtures of cell population types may 
also be employed providing the microwell can accommodate the individual cell size. 

15 The optical responses of individual cells and cell populations to chemical or biological stimuli 

are typically interrogated and detected by coupling individual cells with appropriate indicators which 
may be either fluorophores, chromophores, stains or a dye compounds. For example, conventional 
cell fluorophore probes such as fluoresceins, rhodamines, naphthalimides, phycobiliproteins, 
nitrobenzoxadiazole may be utilized. Alternatively, permeant or impermeant cell membrane potential 

2 0 indicators, ion indicators, reactive oxygen indicators and pH indicators may be employed. A 

particularly useful reference for selecting appropriate indicators is R.P. Haugland, Handbook of 
Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals (6 th ed.), Molecular Probes lnc.(Eugene, OR, 1996) 
which is herein incorporated by this reference. Any suitable indicator or combinations of indicators 
may be utilized provided the indicator does not compromise cell response. In a variety of alternative 
25 embodiments, indicators may be either incorporated directly into the cell, for example by attachment 
to the cell membrane, by absorption or injection into the cell cytoplasm, or added to the cell external 
environment, such as a fluid contained within the microwells. In an alternative embodiment, indicators 
may be attached to the surface of the microwells. 

Individual cells or arrays of cells and cell populations may be optically interrogated and cell 

3 0 responses to analytes may be measured by conventional optical methods and instrumentation that 

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are known to those skilled in the art. Cells may be optically interrogated with any suitable excitation 
light energy source, such as arc lamps, lasers, or light emitting diodes, that are capable of producing 
light at an appropriate wavelength for exciting dye indicators that may be employed for encoding cell 
populations or for responding to analytes of interest. The optical responses of individual cells or cell 
5 populations may be monitored and measured with any suitable optical detection means, including, but 
not limited to film or conventional optical detectors, such as photoresistors, photomultiplier tubes, 
photodiodes, or charge coupled device (CCD) cameras. In a preferred embodiment, CCD cameras 
are employed to capture fluorescent images of the biosensor array for detecting responses of each 
cell and various cell subpopulations to analytes. In this embodiment, both individual cell responses 

1 0 and a captured image of the array response may be employed for detecting analytes. 

In summary, the biosensor array and sensing method of the present invention offers many 
distinct advantages in overcoming the limitations of prior art devices. The sensor arrays are easily 
fabricated from commercially available optical imaging fibers to yield a cost effective, high density, 
precisely formed, biosensor array without requiring any sophisticated machining or forming process. 

15 Since optical fibers and fiber optic arrays are available in a wide variety of fiber core diameters, most 
cell types and sizes may be accommodated in by the device and method of the present invention. In 
addition, cells can be readily dispersed into the microwell array in random fashion with no need for 
physical indexing or scanning to locate individual cells or cell populations due to the innovative cell 
encoding technique. Sensing methods and sensing systems which employ the biosensor and sensor 

2 0 array of the present invention avoids many of the limitations in manipulating cells encountered with 

prior art devices. Once cells are placed within the microwells of the array, conventional imaging 
systems and methods which employ an imaging camera and conventional optics, can monitor the 
response of thousands of cells simultaneously, eliminating requirements for mechanical scanning 
mechanisms. Analysis of measurement data is further facilitated by implementing commercially 
25 available imaging software to process images of the biosensor array using pattern recognition 
techniques combined with neural network and other statistical methods. 

The biosensor array and sensing method of the present invention may be employed for a 
number of useful analytical applications where individual cells, which are chemically or biologically 
stimulated by the presence of a biological or chemical material in the local cell environment, will 

3 0 respond to their environment by producing an optically detectable response either due to the 

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presence of an appropriate indicator or due to the characteristic optical response of particular cell 
types which exhibit either natural or genetically-engineered chemiluminescence or bioluminescence. 
The biosensor array and method of the present invention thus capitalizes on the ability of living cells 
to respond to biologically significant compounds. Since the selectivity of living cells for such 
5 compounds has considerable value and utility in drug screening and analysis of complex biological 
fluids, the biosensor of the present invention offers distinct advantages to high throughput screening 
of combinatorial libraries where hundreds of thousands of candidate compounds must be evaluated. 

The above and other features of the invention, including various novel details of construction 
and methods, and other advantages, will now be more particularly described with reference to the 
1 0 accompanying drawings and claims. It will be understood to one skilled in the art that the particular 
apparatus and method embodying the invention are shown by way of illustration and not as a 
limitation of the invention. The principles and features of the invention may be employed in various 
and numerous embodiments without departing from the scope of the invention. 


The invention is pointed out with particularity in the appended claims. Other features and 
benefits of the invention can be more clearly understood with reference to the specification and the 
accompanying drawings in which: 

Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of the biosensor array concept of the present invention; 
2 0 Figs. 2a-b are atomic force microscope photomicrographs of a microwell array used in a 

biosensor array of the present invention; 

Fig. 3 is a schematic diagram of the method for depositing cells in microwells used for a 
biosensor array of the present invention; 

Fig. 4 is an SEM photomicrograph of a single NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell in a microwell; 

2 5 Fig. 5 is a schematic representation of a method for establishing cell viability of cell 

populations within the biosensor array of the present invention; 

Fig. 6 is a characteristic fluorescence image pattern identifying the location of a cells which 
test positively for cell viability in a biosensor array of the present invention; 

Fig. 7 shows the temporal response of the combined fluorescence intensity of the viable cell 

3 0 population identified in Fig. 6; 

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Fig. 8 is a fluorescence optical image of an encoded cell population within a biosensor array 
of the present invention; 

Fig. 9 is a schematic block diagram of the measurement system used for optical 
measurements of the microwell sensor array; 
5 Fig. 10 is a plot of average BCECF fluorescence for nine biosensor array cells over time; and 

Figs. 1 1a-b compares the viability of cells inserted in microwells both with and without a 
pretreatment for filling the microwells with culture media. 


10 A. Fabrication of Microwell Arrays 

The present invention provides array compositions comprising at least a first substrate with a 
surface comprising individual sites. By "array" herein is meant a plurality of cells in an array format; 
the size of the array will depend on the composition and end use of the array. Arrays containing from 
about 2 different cells to many millions can be made, with very large fiber optic arrays being possible. 

1 5 Generally, the array will comprise from two to as many as a billion or more, depending on the size of 
the cells and the substrate, as well as the end use of the array, thus very high density, high density, 
moderate density, low density and very low density arrays may be made. Preferred ranges for very 
high density arrays are from about 10,000,000 to about 2,000,000,000 (all numbers herein are per 
cm2), with from about 100,000.000 to about 1 ,000,000,000 being preferred. High density arrays 

2 0 range about 1 00,000 to about 10,000,000, with from about 1 ,000,000 to about 5,000,000 being 
particularly preferred. Moderate density arrays range from about 10,000 to about 100,000 being 
particularly preferred, and from about 20,000 to about 50,000 being especially preferred. Low density 
arrays are generally less than 10,000, with from about 1 ,000 to about 5,000 being preferred. Very low 
density arrays are less than 1,000, with from about 10 to about 1000 being preferred, and from about 

2 5 100 to about 500 being particularly preferred. In some embodiments, the compositions of the 

invention may not be in array format; that is, for some embodiments, compositions comprising a single 
cell may be made as well. In addition, in some arrays, multiple substrates may be used, either of 
different or identical compositions. Thus for example, large arrays may comprise a plurality of smaller 

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In addition, one advantage of the present compositions is that particularly through the use of 
fiber optic technology, extremely high density arrays can be made. Thus for example, because cells 
frequently may be 200 fm or less and very small fibers are known, it is possible to have as many as 
250,000 or more (in some instances, 1 million) different fibers and cells in a 1 mm2 fiber optic bundle, 
5 with densities of greater than 15,000,000 individual cells and fibers (again, in some instances as 
many as 25-50 million) per 0.5 cm2 obtainable. 

By "substrate" or "solid support" or other grammatical equivalents herein is meant any 
material that can be modified to contain discrete individual sites appropriate for the attachment or 
association of cells and is amenable to at least one detection method. As will be appreciated by 
1 0 those in the art, the number of possible substrates is very large. Possible substrates include, but are 
not limited to, glass and modified or functionalized glass, plastics (including acrylics, polystyrene and 
copolymers of styrene and other materials, polypropylene, polyethylene, polybutylene, polyurethanes, 
TeflonJ, etc.), polysaccharides, nylon or nitrocellulose, resins, silica or silica-based materials 
including silicon and modified silicon, carbon, metals, inorganic glasses, plastics, optical fiber bundles, 
15 and a variety of other polymers. In general, the substrates allow optical detection and do not 
themselves appreciably fluorescese. 

Generally the substrate is flat (planar), although as will be appreciated by those in the art, 
other configurations of substrates may be used as well; for example, three dimensional configurations 
can be used, for example by embedding the cells in a porous block of plastic that allows sample 

2 0 access to the cells and using a confocal microscope for detection. Similarly, the cells may be placed 

on the inside surface of a tube, for flow-through sample analysis to minimize sample volume. 
Preferred substrates include optical fiber bundles as discussed below, and flat planar substrates such 
as glass, polystyrene and other plastics and acrylics. 

In a preferred embodiment, the substrate is an optical fiber bundle or array, as is generally 
25 described in U.S.S.N.s 08/944,850 and 08/519,062, PCT US98/05025, and PCT US98/09163, all of 
which are expressly incorporated herein by reference. Preferred embodiments utilize preformed 
unitary fiber optic arrays. By "preformed unitary fiber optic array" herein is meant an array of discrete 
individual fiber optic strands that are co-axially disposed and joined along their lengths. The fiber 
strands are generally individually clad. However, one thing that distinguished a preformed unitary 

3 0 array from other fiber optic formats is that the fibers are not individually physically manipulatable; that 

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is, one strand generally cannot be physically separated at any point along its length from another fiber 
strand. In general, the discussion herein is focused on fiber optic arrays, although as will be 
appreciated by those in the art, other substrates as described above may be used in any embodiment 
described herein. 

5 At least one surface of the substrate is modified to contain discrete, individual sites for later 

association of cells. These sites may comprise physically altered sites, i.e. physical configurations 
such as wells or small depressions in the substrate that can retain the cells, such that a cell can rest 
in the well, or the use of other forces (magnetic or compressive), or chemically altered or active sites, 
such as biologically or chemically functionalized sites, electrostatically altered sites, hydrophobically/ 

1 0 hydrophilically functionalized sites, spots of adhesive, etc. 

The sites may be a pattern, i.e. a regular design or configuration, or randomly distributed. A 
preferred embodiment utilizes a regular pattern of sites such that the sites may be addressed in the X- 
Y coordinate plane. "Pattern" in this sense includes a repeating unit cell, preferably one that allows a 
high density of cells on the substrate. However, it should be noted that these sites may not be 

1 5 discrete sites. That is, it is possible to use a uniform surface of adhesive or chemical functionalities, 
for example, that allows the attachment of cells at any position. That is, the surface of the substrate is 
modified to allow attachment of the cells at individual sites, whether or not those sites are contiguous 
or non-contiguous with other sites. Thus, the surface of the substrate may be modified such that 
discrete sites are formed that can only have a single associated cell, or alternatively, the surface of 

2 0 the substrate is modified and cells may go down anywhere, but they end up at discrete sites. 

In a preferred embodiment, the surface of the substrate is modified to contain microwells, i.e. 
depressions in the surface of the substrate. This may be done as is generally known in the art using 
a variety of techniques, including, but not limited to, photolithography, stamping techniques, pressing, 
casting, molding, microetching, electrolytic deposition, chemical or physical vapor deposition 

2 5 employing masks or templates, electrochemical machining, laser machining or ablation, electron 

beam machining or ablation, and conventional machining. As will be appreciated by those in the art, 
the technique used will depend on the composition and shape of the substrate. 

In a preferred embodiment, physical alterations are made in a surface of the substrate to 
produce the sites. In a preferred embodiment, the substrate is a fiber optic bundle and the surface of 

30 the substrate is a terminal end of the fiber bundle, as is generally described in 08/818,199 and 


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09/151,877, both of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference. In this embodiment, wells 
are made in a terminal or distal end of a fiber optic bundle comprising individual fibers. In this 
embodiment, the cores of the individual fibers are etched, with respect to the cladding, such that small 
wells or depressions are formed at one end of the fibers. The required depth of the wells will depend 
on the size of the cells to be added to the wells. 

Generally in this embodiment, the cells are non-covalently associated in the wells, although 
the wells may additionally be biologically or chemically functional ized as is generally described below, 
cross-linking agents may be used, or a physical barrier may be used, i.e. a film or membrane over the 

In a preferred embodiment, the surface of the substrate is modified to contain biologically or 
chemically modified sites, that can be used to attach, either covalently or non-covalently, the cells of 
the invention to the discrete sites or locations on the substrate. "Chemically modified sites" in this 
context includes, but is not limited to, the addition of a pattern of chemical functional groups including 
amino groups, carboxy groups, oxo groups and thiol groups, that can be used to attach cells which 
generally also contain corresponding reactive functional groups on their surfaces; the addition of a 
pattern of adhesive that can be used to bind the cells, (either by prior chemical functional ization for 
the addition of the adhesive or direct addition of the adhesive); the addition of a pattern of charged 
groups (similar to the chemical functionalities) for the electrostatic attachment of the cells, i.e. when 
the cells comprise charged groups opposite to the sites; the addition of a pattern of chemical 
functional groups that renders the sites differentially hydrophobic or hydrophiiic, such that the addition 
of similarly hydrophobic or hydrophiiic cells under suitable experimental conditions will result in 
association of the cells to the sites on the basis of hydroaffinity. Alternatively, biological modifications 
include the use of binding ligands or binding partner pairs, including, but not limited to, 
antigen/antibody pairs, enzyme/substrate or inhibitor pairs, receptor-ligand pairs, carbohydrates and 
their binding partners (lectins, etc.). 

In a preferred embodiment, an array of micrometer-sized wells is created at the distal face of 
an optical imaging fiber by a selective etching process which takes advantage of the difference in etch 
rates between core and cladding materials. This process has been previously disclosed by Pantano, 
et al., Chem. Mater. 8:2832 (1996), and Walt, et al., in U.S. Patent Application 08/818,199. The etch 

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reaction time and conditions are adjusted to achieve desired control over the resultant microwell size 
and volume. Microwells are thus sized to accommodate a single cell of any desired cell type. 

The sensor array design can accommodate a variety of cell sizes and configurations utilizing 
either commercially available optical fibers and fiber optic arrays or custom made fibers or fiber 
5 arrays. The major requirement in selecting candidate fibers or fiber optic arrays for fabricating 
sensors is that the individual fibers have etchable cores. 

In one embodiment, the interior surfaces of the microwells may be coated with a thin film or 
passivation layer of biologically compatible material, similar to the biological modifications of the 
substrate as outlined above. For example, materials known to support cell growth or adhesion may 
10 be used, including, but not limited to, fibronectin, any number of known polymers inclduing collagen, 

polylysine and other polyamino acids, polyethylene glycol and polystyrene, growth factors, hormones, 
cytokines, etc. Similarly, binding ligands as outlined above may be coated onto the surface of the 
wells. In addition, coatings or films of metals such as a metal such as gold, platinum or palladium may 
be employed. In an alternative embodiment, an indicator compound, for example, a fluorophore, a 
1 5 chromophore or dye, may be attached to the microwell surface for detecting cell responses to 
chemical or biological stimulation. 

The method of fabricating microwells can be adapted to any fiber size so as to accommodate 
a wide range of cell sizes for incorporation into appropriately sized microwells. For example, optical 
fibers having core diameters ranging from 1 .6 to 100 urn are commercially available from either 
2 0 Galileo Electro-Optics Corp. (Sturbridge, MA) or Edmund Scientific (Barrington, NJ). In addition, 

larger sizes are available by custom order. Thus, appropriately sized fibers can be utilized to study 
such diverse cell sizes as E. coli, with a typical cell dimension of 0.7 to 1.5 urn, and mammalian 
neurons, with a cell dimension of up to 150 urn. 

In one embodiment, a fiber optic array, having a 1 mm outer diameter and 7 urn individual 

2 5 fiber core diameters, available from Galileo Electro-Optics Corp. (Sturbridge, MA), was utilized. One 

end of the fiber optic array was polished using a series of aluminum oxide lapping films 12, 9, 3, 1 , 0.3 
urn available from Mark V Lab (East Granby, CT). The fibers were then sonicated for approximately 1 
minute to remove any residue from the polishing procedure. The etching procedure was performed by 
submerging the distal face of the fiber at a right angle in 700 uL of a buffered hydrofluoric acid 

3 0 solution, comprising 100 uL hydrofluoric acid (50%), 0.2g ammonium fluoride, and 600 uL of 

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deionized water, for approximately 65 seconds. The fiber was then rinsed with deionized water and 
sonicated for 1 minute to remove any salts that may have been formed during the etching procedure. 
In this embodiment, the etch reaction time was tailored such that the well size was 7 microns in 
diameter, 3 microns in depth, and approximately 90 fL in volume. Both scanning electron microscopy 
5 (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) may be utilized to characterize etched microwells. In Fig. 
2a, a typical microwell array formed by the etching procedure is shown in an AMF photomicrograph 
(Digital Instruments Nanoscope Ilia, Santa Barbara, Ca). in Fig. 2, an oblique view of the microwell 
array is provided. As shown in these figures, the microwells formed by this process are extremely 
uniform due to the uniform characteristic structure of the fiber optic array. 

10 B. Selection of Cell Types 

Virtually any cell type and size can be accommodated in fabricating the sensor of the present 
invention by matching the cell size to individual optical fiber optic core diameters. Virtually any 
naturally occurring or genetically engineered (i.e. containing exogeneous nucleic acid) eukaryotic or 
procaryotic cell type may be used, with plants, invertebrates, bacteria and mammalian cells, including, 

15 but not limited to, green fluorescent protein mutants, primate, rodent and human cells and cell lines 
being preferred, as well as mixtures of cell types. 

In one embodiment, NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells were employed. These cells are 
typically 15-20 urn in size. Other cells types such as E. coli bacteria, 1 x 3 um, staphylococcus 
bacteria, approximately 1 um, myoblast precursors to skeletal muscle cells, 15-20 um, neutrophil 

2 0 white blood ceils, 10 um, lymphocyte white blood cells, 10 um, erythroblast red blood cells, 5 um, 

osteoblast bone cells, 15-20 um, chondrocyte cartilage cells, 15-20 um, basophil white blood cells, 10 
urn, eosinophil white blood cells, 10 um, adipocyte fat cells, 20 um, invertebrate neurons (Helix 
aspera), 125 um, mammalian neurons, 4-140 um, or adrenomedullary cells, 13-16 um, melanocytes, 
20 um, epithelial cells, 20 um, or endothelial cells , 15-20 um, may be utilized as well. Additional other 

2 5 suitable cell types include, but are not limited to, tumor cells of all types (particularly melanoma, 

myeloid leukemia, carcinomas of the lung, breast, ovaries, colon, kidney, prostate, pancreas and 
testes), cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, lymphocytes (T-cell and B cell) , mast cells, 
eosinophils, vascular intimal cells, hepatocytes, leukocytes including mononuclear leukocytes, stem 
cells such as haemopoetic, neural, skin, lung, kidney, liver and myocyte stem cells, osteoclasts, 

3 0 chondrocytes and other connective tissue cells, keratinocytes, melanocytes, liver cells, kidney cells, 

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and adipocytes. Suitable cells also include known research cells, including, but not limited to, Jurkat 
T cells, NIH3T3 cells, CHO, COS, etc. A particularly useful source of cell lines may be found in ATCC 
Cell Lines and Hybridomas (8 th ed., 1994), Bacteria and Bacteriophages (19 th ed., 1996), Yeast 
(1995), Mycology and Botany (19 lh ed., 1996), and Protists: Algae and Protozoa (18 th ed., 1993), 
available from American Type Culture Co. (Rockville. MD), ali of which are herein incorporated by 

C. Dispersion of Cells in Microwells 

Once the microweU size is tailored to accommodate specific cell sizes, the next step in 
creating an array of cells is to randomly disperse cells into the microwells. Fig. 3 is a schematic 
diagram showing the method for dispersing and depositing cells in the microwell array. Cell 
populations are conventionally cultured with growth media which matches cell needs. Culture media 
is formulated according to either recipes provided by cell line providers, journal articles or reference 
texts. A particularly useful reference for media preparation is ATCC Quality Control Methods for Cell 
Lines (2 nd ed.), American Type Culture Co. (Rockville, MD) which is herein incorporated by reference. 
After culturing, cells are typically trypsinized using aseptic techniques to remove them from the cell 
culture dish and suspend them in growth media. 

In one embodiment, NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells, available from American Type Culture 
Collection (Rockville, MD) were utilized. The cells were randomly dispersed into the wells by removing 
the adhered cells from the culture dish with a proteolytic enzyme, such as Trypsin-EDTA (0.05% 
Trypsin, 0.53 mM EDTA.4Na), available from ; Gibco BRL (Grand Island, NY], using aseptic 
techniques and placing the cells into a single-cell suspension in growth media, such as Dulbecco's 
Modified Eagle Medium with 1% PenicillinStreptomycin, 1% L-Glutamine-200mM, and 10% fetal calf 
serum, available from Gibco BRL. 

To disperse cells into the wells, approximately 1 .5 ml of the cell suspension was concentrated 
by centrifugation at 2000 RPM for 3.5 minutes. The supernatant is drawn off and the centrifuge tube 
was tapped to resuspend the cells. The cell suspension was then added to a 1 .5 mm diameter 
capillary tube. Prior to adding cells to the microwell array, the end of the fiber optic array which 
contains the microwells was sonicated under vacuum in cell media for approximately 1 5 minutes to 
flush and fill the microwells with media. The microwell end of the fiber was then inserted into the 
capillary tube and secured in place with a thin strip of laboratory film. The capillary tube/fiber set-up 

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was then incubated in the vertical position for 1-2 hours allowing the suspended cells to settle into the 
wells and adhere to the well bottom. The length of time required to fill the microwells is dependent 
only on the amount of time required for the cells to adhere to the microwell bottom. Excess cells 
which were not accommodated by a well were wiped away with a cotton swab wet with growth media. 
5 Fig. 4 is an SEM photomicrograph of a single cell dispersed in an etched microwell. 

Once they are positioned within the microwells, cells with typically attach to microwell 
surfaces within 1-2 hours by protein contact. Cell culture media in the microwells may be periodically 
replenished by exposing the distal surface of the fiber optic array to fresh media and allowing 
nutrients to diffuse into the microwell cavities. Typically, cells will divide every twelve to fifteen hours. 

1 0 While the size of the microwells tends to confine individual cells, the array will accommodate limited 
cell splitting over time. Microwell volume will restrict cell splitting due to the well know cell 
phenomenon of contact inhibition when cells are touching. 
D. Establishing Cell Viability 

In one embodiment, the cell viability in the wells was investigated using a pH indicator, 2'-7'- 

1 5 bis-(2carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6-)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF-AM) which has an excitation wavelength of 
505 nm and an emission wavelength of 535 nm and is available from Molecular Probes (Eugene, 
OR). The acetoxymethyl (AM) ester form of BCECF is non-fluorescent in solution. The BCECF-AM is 
cell membrame permeant and passively enters the cell where, once inside the cell, the lipophilic 
blocking groups are cleaved by non-specific esterases resulting in an increase in fluorescent intensity. 

2 0 This increase in fluorescent intensity is indicative of the cell viability. Fig. 5 is a schematic 

representation of one embodiment of a method used for establishing cell viability in a sensor array. 

For viability tests, an array of encoded cells previously dispersed in microwells was immersed 
in a 1 uM solution of BCECF-AM for 1 minute. The cell array was removed and rinsed thoroughly to 
remove any residual dye. Fluorescent images of cell responses were acquired every 30 seconds 

2 5 using a 1 .0 second acquisition time to monitor the increase in fluorescent intensity due to the pH of 

healthy cells. Prior to viability measurements, a cell location template was generated through 
excitation of the encoded cells, using the encoding method described herein, and the locations of 
individual cells was superimposed on viability measurement images in order to identify the location of 
healthy cells within the array. A fluorescence image of the encoded cells is shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 7, 

3 0 the fluorescent intensity response of the cells indicates a gradual increase as the lipophilic groups are 

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cleaved from the BCECF-AM dye within the cell. The fluorescent intensity response of the wells which 
do not contain cells was negligible. 

In a alternative embodiment, BCECF-Dextran, available from Molecular Probes, was used for 
cell viability measurements. A 0.1 uM solution of the dye was added to cell media contained within 
5 array microwells. BCECF requires excitation at two wavelengths, 490 nm and 440 nm, and the ratio 
of the emitted light intensity at 530 nm for each wavelength is proportional to pH. This dye is 
conjugated with a large Dextran group to prevent entry into the cell through the cell membrane. Thus, 
BCECF-Dextran can monitor decreases in pH within the external cell environment due to cell 
metabolism. Fig. 10 shows the average response of nine cells over time where the pH of the cell 

1 0 environment gradually decreases due to cell metabolism. 

In another embodiment a commercial cell viability assay, LIVE / DEAD® from Molecular 
Probes (Eugene, OR), was employed. This assay provides a two-color fluorescence cell viability 
assay based on intracellular esterase activity and plasma membrane integrity. Live cells are 
distinguished by the enzymatic conversion of the cell-permeant non-fluorescent calcein AM to 

1 5 fluorescent calcein, with an excitation wavelength at 495nm and an emission wavelength at 515nm. 
Dead cells are distinguished by binding ethidium homodimer (EthD-1), with an excitation wavelength 
at 495nm and an emission wavelength at 635nm, to nucleic acids which is accompanied by a 40-fold 
increase in fluorescent intensity. EthD-1 is excluded by the intact plasma membranes of living cells. 
Background fluorescence levels are inherently low with this assay technique because the dyes are 

2 0 virtually non-fluorescent before interacting with cells. 

In a typical procedure, a working solution of 2 uM calcein AM and 4uM EthD-1 was prepared 
in serium-free medium. An array of N1H 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells was cultured at the distal face of a 
microwell array. The proximal face of the imaging fiber was focused on the imaging system. The cell 
array at the distal face of the imaging fiber was placed in serium-free medium without dye. The cell 

2 5 array was excited at 495nm and emission values from a population of 25 cells were acquired for 
300ms at 515nm (Live) and 635nm (Dead). These values serve as background reading for these 
measurements. The cell array was then placed in the dye solution and the cell array was excited at 
495nm and emission values from 25 cells were acquired for 300ms at 515nm (Live) and 635nm 
(Dead) every minute for 30 minutes. Ail measurements were performed at room temperature. 

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Average fluorescent intensity for the live and dead cell wavelengths are plotted versus time after 
subtracting the background fluorescence measurement at each emission wavelength. 

This assay was used to evaluate pretreatment methods for filling the microwells of a 
biosensor arrray with culture media prior to inserting cells. By comparing the viability of cells placed in 
5 microwells after various treatments, it was determined that, in a preferred embodiment, sonicating the 
mircrowell array under vacuum for 1 5 minutes prior to insertion of cells improves viability by ensuring 
that the microwells are filled with culture media. In Fig. 11a, the average fluorescent intensity for dead 
cells and live cells is plotted with time where no pretreatment was utilized. In Fig. 1 1 b, results are 
plotted for a pretreated microwell array. Comparison of the two figures demonstrates the advantage 

10 of prefilling the microwells with culture media prior to cell insertion. In this example, when the 

microwell array was not sonicated prior to adding the cells the cells displayed immediate cell death. 
In this example, when the microwells were sonicated under vacuum to fill the arrays with culture 
media, the cells remained viable for approximately 20 minutes. 
E. Encoding Cell Populations 

15 A unique feature of the biosensor array of the present invention is that cells within each cell 

population are individually encoded for maintaining cell identity within the array when randomly mixed 
populations of cells are employed. Cells may be encoded with a single fluorophore or chromophore 
dye or ratios of such dyes. Alternatively, cells may be encoded by either injecting a non-toxic 
fluorescing compound into the cell cytoplasm or by employing natural or genetically-engineered cells 

20 lines which exhibit chemiluminescence or bioluminescence , such as green fluorescent protein 

mutants. Although a plurality of cell populations may be randomly mixed in the biosensor array, the 
identity and location of each cell type is determined via a characteristic optical response signature 
when the array is illuminated by excitation light energy. Cells may be encoded prior to disposing them 
in the microwells or, alternatively, following placement in the microwells. . In one embodiment, a 

2 5 single fluorophoric or chromophoric material or dye is used for encoding the cells. In an alternative 

embodiment, two or more encoding materials or dyes may be used to encode cell populations and the 
ratio of the optical response light intensity from each material or dye, produced by exposure to 
excitation light energy, is used to identify the positions of individual cells within the cell population and 
locate them in the array. In various alternative embodiments, cells may be encoded with dye 

3 0 compounds which are attached to cells, taken up by cells or provided in the local cell environment. 

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A wide variety of fluorophores, chromophores, stains or a dye compounds may be used for 
encoding cells. Encoding dyes may be permeant or impermeant to the cell membrane. Impermeant 
dyes may be conjugated with acetoxymethyl ester to allow take up by cells. In one embodiment, 
conventional conjugate or reactive cell membrane stains, cell tracers, or cell probes such as 
5 fluoresceins, rhodamines, eosins naphthalimides, phycobiliproteins, nitrobenzoxadiazole may be 
utilized. In other embodiments, cyanine dyes, such as SYTO® (Molecular Probes), amine-reactive 
dyes, thiol-reactive dyes, lipopilic dyes, and DNA intercalators, such as acridine orange, may be 
employed. In one embodiment, fluorogenic or chromogenic enzyme substrates may be taken up by 
the cells, processesed by intracellular enzymes, such as glycosidases, phosphatases, luciferase, or 

10 chloramphenicol acetyltransferase, and provide encoding for cell populations. In an alternative 
embodiment, cell organelle dye probes may be employed for encoding. In one embodiment, cell 
membrane probes such as carbocyanines and lipophilicaminostyrls may be utilized for encoding. 

By way of example, Tables 1 and 2 provide a partial listing of a various types of dyes and 
their corresponding excitation and emission wavelengths which have utility for encoding cell 

15 populations in sensor arrays of the present invention. In addition, a particularly useful reference for 
selecting other types of encoding dyes is R.P. Haugland, Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and 
Research Chemicals (6 th ed.). Molecular Probes lnc.(Eugene, OR, 1996). 

Cell encoding eliminates the need for mechanically scanning the array, mechanically indexing 
the location of cells, and mechanically positioning the array for measurements of individual cells. In 

2 0 addition, by encoding all cells within the array, simultaneous measurements of the entire array are 
possible since the responses of individual cells are readily associated with a specific cell population 
type because each cell is encoded. Encoding of cells thus provides for rapid, simultaneous 
measurements of all cells and cell populations within the array without the need to mechanically scan 
the array to acquire a series of sequential measurements for each cell. Since monitoring and 

2 5 measuring the responses of all cells in the array occurs simultaneously, without a prolonged delay 
between the first cell measurement and last cell measurement, the biosensor array of the present 
invention provides the capability to monitor both short term and long term cell responses to biological 
stimuli. The biosensor array of the present invention thus has the unique ability for measuring both 
cell responses and response rates to analytes. This feature provides 


WO 99/45357 



1 . Plasma Membrane Stains 

5 PKH22 green fluorochrome 551ex/567em 
PHK67 green fluorochrome 490ex/502em 
PKH26 red fluorochrome 551ex/567em 

lipophilic carbocyanines 


Dil - orange fluorescence 
DiO - green fluorescence 
DiD - red flurescence 

FM 1-43 - green fluorescence 510ex/626em 
15 FM 4-64 - red fluorescence 51 5ex/640em 

RH 414 - orange fluorescence 532 ex/71 6em 

lipophilic dextrans 

tetramethylrhodamine dextrans (10,000 MW) 470ex/500em 

2 0 fluorescein dextran (10,000 MW) 495ex/530em 

2. Tracker Probes 

Blue 7-amino-4-chloromethyl coumarin 354ex/466em 
25 4-chloromethyl-6 t 8-difluoro-7-hydroxy coumarin 371ex/464em 

4- chloromethyl-7-hydroxy coumarin 372ex/470em 
Green 5-ch I oromethyl fluorescein diacetate 492ex/516em 
8-chloromethyl BODIPY 522ex/528em 

3 0 Yellow-Green 

5- chloromethyleosin diacetate 524ex/544em 


5-(and 6H((4-chloromethyl)benzoyl)amino) tetramethylrhodamine 540ex/566em 


3. Amine-Reactive Probes 

fluorescein isothiocyanate 494ex/519em 
carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl esters 504ex/529em 

4 0 carboxyeosin succinimidyl esters 492ex/517em 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


additional discriminating response information which is useful for detecting biological or chemical 
analytes of interest. 

While a number of encoding dyes and methods are available, in one embodiment, external 
fluorescent cell membrane labels , PKH67 with an excitation wavelength of 490 nm and an emission 
5 wavelength of 502 nm, and PKH26 with an excitation wavelength of 551 nm and an emission 

wavelength of 567 nm, were utilized. PKH26 and PKH67 are part of a family of dyes manufactured by 
Zynaxis Cell Science (Malvern, PA), sold under the trademark Zyn-Linker® (Phanos Technologies 
Inc.), produced by the method of U.S. Patent 5,665,328 to Hogan, et a!., and available from Sigma 
(St.Louis, Mo). In this embodiment, both dyes were applied to suspended fibroblast cells to encode 

10 the cells prior to placement in the sensor array. Encoded cells were placed in microwells filled with 
growth media. The encoded cells were then illuminated with excitation light transmitted through the 
fiber optic array and the resulting fluorescent emission response of cells was collected through the 
same fiber and passed to the detection system. Fig. 6 shows a typical fluorescence optical image of a 
PKH26 encoded cell population in a biosensor array of the present invention. Fig. 8 shows a typical 

15 fluorescence image of a PKH67 encoded cell population in a biosensor array. Note that only those 
microwells containing encoded cells yields a fluorescent signal upon excitation at the encoding dye 

In a typical encoding procedure, external or internal encoding labels are applied to suspended 
cell populations prior to placement in the sensor array. In one embodiment, an external label is 
2 0 applied to the cell by first washing the suspended cells with serum-free media and then centrifuging 
the cells into a loose pellet at 2000 RPM for 5 minutes. The supernatant is drawn off and the 
centrifuge tube is tapped to resuspend the cells. Approximately 1 mL of Diluent C, available as dye 
kit from Sigma, was added to the cells and the tube was inverted to mix. Immediately prior to 
encoding, a solution of 4 x 10" 6 M Diluent C dye was prepared. The suspended cells are added to the 

2 5 dye solution, mixed by pipetting the cell/dye solution, and incubated for 5 minutes. To stop the 

encoding reaction, 2 mL of fetal calf serum was added to the cells, incubated for 1 minute, and then 
diluted by adding 4 mL growth media. The cells are then centrifuged at 2000 RPM for 10 minutes to 
remove the cells from the staining solution. The supernatant was drawn off and the cells are 
transferred to a new tube. Finally, the cells are subjected to a minimum of three washings by adding 

3 0 10 mL growth media, centrifuging, and resuspending the cells. 

WO 99/45357 



Chapter 1 2 — Section 12.2 Celt-PermeMnt Pmfw»« wwiw,^. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


To demonstrate the encoding method with PKH26 and PKH67 dyes, encoded NIH 3T3 
mouse fibroblast cells were dispersed in microwells in sensor array and the location of encoded cells 
within the array was determined by excitation of the cells at a wavelength of 551 nm. Upon excitation, 
the encoded cells form a characteristic, detectable fluorescence pattern within the sensor array where 
5 the pattern provides a locational template for cell viability measurements using BCECF and an 

excitation wavelength of 505 nm. The excitation and emission wavelengths of the PKH26 encoding 
label and the BCECF-AM dye are sufficiently separated so that there is no interference between the 
two dyes. Fig. 6 is a characteristic fluorescence image pattern identifying the location of PKH26 
encoded cells in the biosensor array. A similar procedure was followed for encoding the mouse 
1 0 fibroblast cells with PKH67 where a corresponding characteristic fluorescence image pattern is shown 
in Fig. 8. 

In addition to encoding individual cell populations with a single unique dye, each cell 
population within the array may be encoded with unique dye ratios which yield a characteristic 
fluorescent intensity ratio in a distinct wavelength range. A range of dye ratios may be employed with 

15 two or more dye combination for producing a series of encoding ratios useful for a identifying a large 
number of cell populations. The fluorescent intensity ratio, produced by a specific dye ratio which is 
used for encoding a cell population, can be distinguished by taking the mean intensity minus the 
background intensity at each emission wavelength and then dividing the two values to obtain the 
range for that particular ratio. 

2 0 In one embodiment, two separate populations of NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells were 

encoded by labeling cell membranes with either a 1:5 ora 5:1 ratio of PHK67 and PHK26 dyes. 
Each cell population comprised approximately 125 encoded cells. The cell populations were 
illuminated at 490 nm and 551 nm excitation wavelengths and emitted fluorescent intensity ratios 
were measured at 502 nm and 567 nm. Measurements of the average intensity ratio for each dye 

2 5 ratio were made over a two day period. The initial average intensity ratio for the 1 :5 PKH67/PKH26 
ratio was 0.0863 and the ratio for the 5:1 dye ratio was 0.7014. The final average intensity ratio for 
the 1 :5 ratio was 0.2655 and for the 5:1 ratio it was 0.9090 indicating that the ratios are reasonably 
stable, even where cell splitting has occurred, and that dye ratio encoded cell populations remain 
distinguishable with time. Thus, dye ratios can provide a useful alternative encoding mechanism for 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


identifying and locating cell populations which are randomly dispersed on a biosensor array of the 
present invention. 

F. Indicator Dyes 

The optical responses of individual cells and cell populations to chemical or biological stimuli 
5 are typically interrogated and detected by coupling individual cells with appropriate indicators which 
may be either fluorophores, chromophores, stains or a dye compounds. Any suitable indicator or 
combinations of indicators may be utilized provided the indicator does not compromise cell response. 

For example, conventional cell fluorophore probes such as fluoresceins, rhodamines, 
naphthalimides, phycobiliproteins, nttrobenzoxadiazole may be utilized. Alternatively, permeant or 
10 impermeant cell membrane potential indicators, ion indicators, reactive oxygen indicators and pH 

indicators may be employed. By way of example a number of indicators which would have particular 
utility for the biosensor array of the present invention are listed in Tables 3 through 8 together with 
their characteristic excitation and emission wavelengths. A particularly useful reference for selecting 
appropriate indicators is R.P. Haugland, Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals 
15 (6 th ed.), Molecular Probes lnc.(Eugene, OR, 1996). 

In one embodiment, indicators may be incorporated directly into the cell by attachment to the 
cell membrane, by absorption into the cell cytoplasm by membrane permeant indicators, or by 
microinjection into the cell cytoplasm. In an alternative embodiment, ultrafine fluorescing 
microspheres, such as Molecular Probes FluoSpheres™ , are ingested by the cells and are employed 
2 0 as indicators. In another environment, indicators are added to the culture media fluid contained within 
the microwells. In an alternative embodiment, indicators may be attached to the surface of the 
microwells by a conventional 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 



WO 99/45357 



pH Range 

Typical Muiurmtii ] 



Excitation ratio 4907540 nm *♦ ] 
emission ratio 540/630 nm | 

SNARF indicators 


Emission ratio 580/640 mi. 

HPTS <pyreninc) 


Excitation ratio 430/405 im. 


6.5-7 5 

ExciUiiion ratio 490/44O m. 

Fluoresceins and 


Excitation ratio 490/45n n» 

Oregon Green dyes 


Excitation ratio 5 1 0/4 SO im • 
excitation runo 490/440 mi. 

RhodoU (including 
NERF dyes) 


Ear iuiion ratio 5 14/48* nm . • 
excitation ratio 500/450 nm 

LysoSetuor probei 

3.3-6.0 • 

Excitation ratio 340/380 nm • 

• Depends on pK. oT Mtacted prate: bm Table 
probe, f Applies to L-7S43 only. Oihrr Ly*o3 

23 .2 tor pK, of «»ch Ly*oS*n*« 
*mor probes allow tmgk iuhm>. 
2 lot wsvetcofthi. 

Tmhtt 23 J Summary of the pH response of our LytoStnsor ptnhes. 




Useful pH 
Range t 












LyaoSanaor Omen 





LyaoSanaor Oraen 



4 5-60 



3297440 1 



'Anwrfaioa CAM) aniftiinwi rear ■ eanuiuii (Em)iaaiima «»*t3. value* may vary 
■a— east im snUalsi eaeiiBsaeaaii t AM pK, whan iw a aaanene d w ww. yajaat 
- • ^**~*mealK iets40;|atpH7 


-e 3 

ToWe 2J.4 Re derive pH inu.catQf<iyes. 

} pH Indicator 

Prefetrad lUactirc Form 


BCECF (B- 1 1 5 1 , see Section 23 J) * 

1 CiirhnkynuorvRCcin 

noccinimidy 1 asiar (C- J 3 1 1 , aee Section 1 .3) 


Cl-NERF (C-6831. tee Section 23.3)* 


(D-6078. tee Section 1.3) 

JJ Dimethylfluorescein 

>-t ano -o ) -caroo* y-* .3 -ojincmyuioorcnoBin 
<C-366.see Section 23.2)* 


|i UM'Nr.Kr 

DM.NRRF /TVABV). tee Section Tk3\ * 

II N;iphih«inuorescein 

3 •( end -6 >-carbo*yn tphthofluoreacsin, 
luccinimidyl atter (C-653) 

| < hrjinn < ireen 4KH 

Ore aim Green 4M carboxylic acid, 
Micclnimidyl enter (0-6I47, 0-6149) 

Orccon Green 300 

Oregon Green 500 carboxylic acid, 
succinimidyl «*» <0-6136) 

Oregon Green 514 

Oregon Green 514 carboxylic acid, 
succ.mmidyl cater (0-6I39) 

RhiMktl Green 

RhoUol Orean carboxylic acid* 

succinimidyl ceaer (R.6I06) 1 


5~Und^)<afboay SNAFU, 
mice inimidyl eater <C*306I ) 


V(»nd-6>-earboiy SNAFU-2, 
auccinimidyl eater (C-3062) 


5-(und-6>-carboxy SNARF- 1 
(C- 1270. tee Section 23.2) • 

(>c»- Scvi ion l.t t. 

WO 99/45357 



WO 99/45357 PCT7US99/04473 


— I 

fcMfr tt.Y Summary of fluorescent CV ' muu iifori umtlante from Molecular Probes 

J Ca* Indicator 

Salt * ! AM Eittr ♦ 

Deatran J 




1 BU-TUTl 


Ex 34(1/3 HO 



B-6790 | B-6791 

Ex 400/4BO 


1 Calcium Green* 1 

O30I0 : C.Ulll.C-3012 


C-6765. C 37I3. 

Em 530 


1 Calcium Oraen-2 

C-3730 | IVI7U 

Em 533 



1 Calcium Green -3 N 

C-3737 j CW7J9 

Em 530 



| Calcium Orange 

C-3013 CYMI3 

Em 575 



| Calcium Orunge-SN 

C-6770 : C-A77I 

Em 580 


1 Calcium Crimaon 

C-3016 ' C-3UIH 

C-6824. C-6825 



| Ruo-3 

F-I24H.F 3715 

I--I24I. F- 1 242 

Em 525 



1 Fuiu2 

F-I2W1. F-6799 

I- I2U1. F-I221.F-1223 

F-6764. F-3029. 

E« 340/380 



1 Fun Red 


I-.1020.F- 3021 

E% 420/4H0 



1 lndo-1 

I- 1202 


1-3032. 1-3033 

Em 405/483 


1 a4eg-fufe-2 



E* 340/380 



1 Mag-fura-5 



E» 340/380 



1 Magmdo-l 



M-6907, M-690S 

Em 405/485 



| ftiejnseium Green 



Em 530 



1 Onion Green 488 BAPTA- 1 



0-6798. 0-6797 




[oregon Green 488 BAPTA 2 






■ Cetgon Green 488 BAFTA-5N 







\ jm 495 




R 1243 

R-J 244. R.I 243 

lim 570 





lim 535/615 



i.C«^«*«*»«l«^«n«.-h. t CM*-* AM— •■ , Cuw «*» 7^3^, J„^^^^^ > ^ , •^ 

I «al HaWOW, 2. AM ewer loan .» nuoretcou (. injur putemi.1 Murct of em« .nC.'- mewiMtmtn.' 
1 Lla^fewCa^-dBpmdMU AuorciceiKe fOkponsc to luri, » hvi * «"-* cr ^""7"'"': - _ lfWt r.:-.!,-. IO rrm fcutmtuOe of C* 1 ' -dependent ihiwaaccsK* inert** 
1 7 --- *««I^Md*MM. ac .ni- a Calcium Graci^ 1 ♦» i«o« rtuureuem U«Jn rtue-3 m buih C« -hound and t ■ •me lonm. «JT.i-»^h nun MttumN. 
I kAM our forni » nonnuomecni. *■ w« m ' J "* r r ..,,,„_ <;mgn , . ^ L ari te UBe4 j 1R combination with fluw-3 for 6uai-w»**ionfUi ratio nowimwu, 

Chapter 22 

Section 22.1 Introduction to Ca 2 + Measurements with Fluorescent Indicators 

WO 99/45357 _ 


Jfa3*£S£shL , - J^PtggJ . . 

' j 

/ / // 


#h - ?W fir* ~ J/7 

} fa - Wo 

itAA^^c^i Ah ■ WS" - V// 

(h/^Ai^^d&'W' Y ^ - M ] Mad: uj ^yu^> '< o'U ft tydui<u< 

Undo J 


em y 

■70 / 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


J - ft**: tf' 3H6/9SO / 

7«y - Undc • / *o r/yfcr / 

56F0 35^1 61tT 

SkIuxvo (jAJJUf^ 3)6/ 'S33" ~ VLUUi 2i )iJ &t . - e*mJC&.<-l f Oti>H/y? edicts. 

1~ cc*h> s~S 

WO 99/45357 




F( di/Sufsi- 6reen \ aiMiu tiursf ^v*/^ 
Oi Chiorod> hd rc ^luoresctt /) DiazfUk - /ncm&rs OX/M/W acdi/,'// 


Di hydro rhodamirw 12.^ - i/)Mskfiks nackvl exyyn /flttrYVvrf/<tfcs 
e^5D7/529«K prodvx.(xcl l<x| "pho^oc^-lts . — ^J. 

Rmtx. Rad ™ - ca\cuxw\ irtfltcocW" - mmfimeJ ^WaU^Art — borate 
e** s/s/ 60S* 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


silanization treatment for bonding the indicator to the glass surface. In one embodiment, 
natural or genetically engineered ceil lines which exhibit chemiluminescence, bioluminesence, or color 
changes when stimulated are used alone without need for a separate indicator since they produce 
intrinsic optical responses. Examples of such cells include green fluorescent protein mutants. In 
5 other embodiments, cells which express enzymes are employed with a reagent which enables an 
optical response, such as the generation of a fluorescent product. For example when luciferase is 
expressed by a cell in the presence of luciferen, the cell produces a fluorescence response when 
biologically stimulated. 

In alternative embodiments, multiple indicators may be employed within a cell array, within a 
10 cell population, or within individual cells so as to provide for simultaneous monitoring of cell responses 
to a variety of different chemical or biological materials. Where two or more indicators are utilized, 
dyes with spectral separation of narrow spectral bandwidths are particularly useful, for example 
Molecular Probes BODIPY™ dyes. 
G. Optical Measurements 

15 Individual cells and populations of cells within the biosensor array of the present invention 

may be optically interrogated and ceil responses may be monitored by employing conventional optical 
components known to one of ordinary skill in the art. Where external optical stimulation of cells is 
required to elicit an optical response, conventional light sources such as arc lamps, photodiodes, or 
lasers may be employed for excitation light energy. Cell responses may be monitored by 

2 0 conventional detectors such as photomultiplier tubes, photodiodes, photoresistors or charge coupled 
device (CCD) cameras. Conventional optical train components, such as lenses, filters, beam splitters, 
dichroics, prisms and mirrors may be employed to convey light to an from such light sources and 
detectors either to discrete substrate sites or through optical fiber strands to microwells that contain 
individual cells. The principal requirement for any particular optical apparatus configuration that is 

2 5 employed in optical measurements is that the combination of optical components provide for optically 
coupling the cells in the array to detectors and light sources. While a particular apparatus 
configuration that was employed in experimental optical measurements is described below, other 
configurations may also be employed which are functionally equivalent and appropriate suited for a 
particular measurement requirement. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


The instrumentation used for fluorescence measurements is a modified Olympus (Lake 
Success, NY) epifluorescence microscope which was converted from a vertical to a horizontal 
configuration. A schematic diagram of the measurement system 100 is shown in Fig. 9. White light 
from a 75W xenon lamp 1 10 is collimated by a condensing lens 1 12, passed through an excitation 
5 filter 120, reflected by a dichroic mirror 130, and focused onto the proximal end 210 of an imaging 
fiber 200 with a microscope objective 140. A neutral density filter 122 may be employed for 
adjustment of excitation light intensity. The imaging fiber 200 is precisely positioned by an x-y 
micropositioner 150, available from Spindler and Hoyer (Milford, MA), and a microscope z-translation 
stage 1 52. Excitation light is transmitted through the fiber 200 to the biosensor array 300 at the distal 

10 fiber end 212. The emitted fluorescence light from the biosensor array is returned through the fiber 
200, through the dichroic mirror 130, filtered through an emission filter 160, and detected by a PXL™ 
Photometries (Tuscon, AZ) charge coupled device (CCD) camera 170. A magnification lens 165 may 
be employed if necessary. Data is processed on an Apple Power Macintosh 440 (Sunnyvale, CA) 
desktop computer 180 using IPLab 3.0 image processing software, commercially available from 

15 Signal Analytics (Vienna, VA). 

While a bench-top measurement system was utilized for these measurements, in one embodiment, a 
compact portable measurement system may be assembled from conventional optical and electronic 

H. Biosensor Array Applications 

2 0 The biosensor, biosensor array, sensing apparatus and sensing method of the present 

invention can be applied to a large variety of conventional assays for screening and detection 
purposes. The biosensor may be configured for virtually any assay and offers a distinct advantage for 
high throughput screening where a plurality of encoded cell populations, which have utility in particular 
assays or are genetically engineered cell to provide unique responses to analytes, may be employed 
25 in a single sensor array for conducting a large number of assays simultaneously on a small sample. 
The biosensor array thus provides both for tremendous efficiencies in screening large combinatorial 
libraries and allows conduction of a large number of assays on extremely small sample volumes, such 
as biologically important molecules synthesized on micron sized beads. The biosensor of the present 
invention can be applied to virtually any analyte measurements where there is a detectable cell 

3 0 response to the analyte due to biological stimulation. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


The biosensor array and method of the present invention utilizes the unique ability of living 
cell populations to respond to biologically significant compounds in a characteristic and detectable 
manner. Since the selectivity of living cells for such compounds has considerable value and utility in 
drug screening and analysis of complex biological fluids, a biosensor which makes use of the unique 
5 characteristics of living cell populations offers distinct advantages in high throughput screening of 
combinatorial libraries where hundreds of thousands of candidate pharmaceutical compounds must 
be evaluated. In addition, such a biosensor and sensing method can be utilized for either off-line 
monitoring of bioprocesses or in situ monitoring of environmental pollutants where the enhanced 
sensitivity of living cells to their local environment can be exploited. 

10 Thus, the present invention provides methods for detecting the responses of individual cells to 

analytes of interest. By "analyte of interest" or "target analyte" or "candidate bioactive agent" or 
"candidate drug" or grammatical equivalents herein is meant any molecule, e.g., protein, oligopeptide, 
small organic molecule, polysaccharide, polynucleotide, etc., to be tested for the ability to directly or 
indirectly altering a cellular phenotype, including its optical properties. Generally a plurality of assay 

15 mixtures are run in parallel with different agent concentrations to obtain a differential response to the 
various concentrations. Typically, one of these concentrations serves as a negative control, i.e., at 
zero concentration or below the level of detection. 

Analytes encompass numerous chemical classes, though typically they are organic 
molecules, preferably small organic compounds having a molecular weight of more than 100 and less 

2 0 than about 2,500 daltons. Analytes comprise functional groups necessary for structural interaction 
with proteins, particularly hydrogen bonding, and typically include at least an amine, carbonyl, 
hydroxyl or carboxyl group, preferably at least two of the functional chemical groups. The candidate 
agents often comprise cyclical carbon or heterocyclic structures and/or aromatic or polyaromatic 
structures substituted with one or more of the above functional groups. Candidate agents are also 

2 5 found among biomolecules including peptides, saccharides, fatty acids, steroids, purines, pyrimidines, 

derivatives, structural analogs or combinations thereof. Particularly preferred are peptides. 

Candidate agents are obtained from a wide variety of sources including libraries of synthetic 
or natural compounds. For example, numerous means are available for random and directed 
synthesis of a wide variety of organic compounds and biomolecules, including expression of 

3 0 randomized oligonucleotides. Alternatively, libraries of natural compounds in the form of bacterial, 

WO 99/45357 PCTAJS99/04473 


fungal, plant and animal extracts are available or readily produced. Additionally, natural or 
synthetically produced libraries and compounds are readily modified through conventional chemical, 
physical and biochemical means. Known pharmacological agents may be subjected to directed or 
random chemical modifications, such as acylation, alkylation, esterification, amidification to produce 
5 structural analogs. 

In a preferred embodiment, the candidate bioactive agents are naturally occuring proteins or 
fragments of naturally occuring proteins. Thus, for example, cellular extracts containing proteins, or 
random or directed digests of proteinaceous cellular extracts, may be used. In this way libraries of 
procaryotic and eucaryotic proteins may be made for screening in the methods of the invention. 

10 Particularly preferred in this embodiment are libraries of bacterial, fungal, viral, and mammalian 
proteins, with the latter being preferred, and human proteins being especially preferred. 

The peptides may be digests of naturally occuring proteins as is outlined above, random 
peptides, or "biased" random peptides. By "randomized" or grammatical equivalents herein is meant 
that each nucleic acid and peptide consists of essentially random nucleotides and amino acids, 

15 respectively. Since generally these random peptides (or nucleic acids, discussed below) are 

chemically synthesized, they may incorporate any nucleotide or amino acid at any position. The 
synthetic process can be designed to generate randomized proteins or nucleic acids, to allow the 
formation of all or most of the possible combinations over the length of the sequence, thus forming a 
library of randomized candidate bioactive proteinaceous agents. 

20 In one embodiment, the library is fully randomized, with no sequence preferences or 

constants at any position. In a preferred embodiment, the library is biased. That is, some positions 
within the sequence are either held constant, or are selected from a limited number of possibilities. 
For example, in a preferred embodiment, the nucleotides or amino acid residues are randomized 
within a defined class, for example, of hydrophobic amino acids, hydrophilic residues, sterically biased 

2 5 (either small or large) residues, towards the creation of nucleic acid binding domains, the creation of 

cysteines, for cross-linking, prolines for SH-3 domains, serines, threonines, tyrosines or histidines for 
phosphorylation sites, etc., or to purines, etc. 

As described above generally for proteins, nucleic acid candidate bioactive agents may be 
naturally occuring nucleic acids, random nucleic acids, or "biased" random nucleic acids. For 

3 0 example, digests of procaryotic or eucaryotic genomes may be used as is outlined above for proteins. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


"Nucleic acids" in this context includes both DNA and RNA, and nucleic acid analogs including PNA.In 
a preferred embodiment, the candidate bioactive agents are organic chemical moieties, a wide variety 
of which are available in the literature. 

While the examples below provide a variety of specific assays which may be useful in 
5 configuring and employing the biosensor array and method of the present invention, they are not 
intended to limit either the scope of applications envisioned or the broad range of sensing methods 
which can be employed with a plurality of cell populations with the biosensor of the present invention. 

In one embodiment, the biosensor array can be employed for remotely monitoring redox 
states of individual cells or cell populations in bioprocesses. For example, NADH dependent 
1 0 fluorescence can be measured in bacteria, fungi, plant or animal cells. NAD(P) /NAD(P)H can be 

measured to monitor changes from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism in fermentation processes using 
the method disclosed by Luong, et al., in Practical Fluorescence . G. Guilbault ed., Marcel Dekker 
(New York, 1990). 

Alternatively, the biosensor array may be employed for in situ monitoring of cellular 
15 processes in response to environmental contaminants by incorporating the method disclosed by 

Hughes, et al. a Analytics Chimica Acta 307:393(1995) to provide for distinguishable cell population 
responses within an array. In this method, micron-sized spheres, impregnated with a fluorophore and 
modified on the surface with a fluorogenic enzyme probe, are ingested by cells and enzymatic activity 
occurs at the sphere surface, producing a detectable fluorescent signal. 
20 In yet another embodiment, the biosensor array can be employed with genetically engineered 

bioluminescent bacteria for in situ monitoring and optical sensing of metallic compounds. For 
example, cell population responses to antimonite and arsenite may be utilized by incorporating the 
method disclosed in Ramanathan, et al.. Anal Chem. 69:3380(1997) into cell populations within the 
biosensor array. With this method, cell plasmid regulates the expression of bacterial luciferase 

2 5 depending on the metal concentration. 

In another embodiment, the cell populations within the biosensor array can be encoded with 
ATP dependent luminescent proteins, for example firefly luciferase, which are injected into rat 
hepatocytes for pathological studies according to the method disclosed by Koop, et a!., Biochem. J. 
295:165(1993). These cells exhibit a decrease in cytoplasmic ATP when exposed to pathological 

3 0 insults and changes in fluorescence directly relate to the extent of metabolic poisoning in the cell. 

WO 99/45357 PCTAJS99/04473 


In one embodiment, the cell populations within the biosensor array can be encoded with 
green fluorescent protein [see T. Gura, Science 276:1989(1997); Niswender, et al. f J. Microscopy 
180(2):1 09(1 995); Cubitt, et al. f TIBS 20:448(1995); Miyawaki, et al., Nature 388:882(1997)]. Several 
genetically-engineered mutants of GFP are available which have distinguishable fluorescence 
5 emission wavelengths. These proteins have additional utility as fluorescing indicators of gene 
expression and Ca* levels within cells. 

In an additional embodiment, the biosensor array can be used in measurements of cell 
proliferation by in situ monitoring of calcium levels and calcium oscillations in single cells using 
fluorescent markers, such as aequorin orfura-2, according to the method disclosed by Cobbold, et al., 

1 0 Cell Biology 1:311 (1 990). 

As will be appreciated by those in the art, the assays of the invention may be run in a wide 
variety of ways and for a wide variety of purposes. For example, the cells may be used as a detection 
system for a particular analyte; the cells undergo a characteristic optically detectable change in the 
presence of a particular analyte. Alternatively, the cells may be used to screen drug candidate 

15 libraries for the ability to alter a cellular phenotype that is optically detectable. For example, the 

expression of a therapeutically relevant cell surface receptor may be increased such that the receptor 
can now bind a fluorescent ligand; similarly a therapeutically relevant enzyme may now be activated 
such that a fluorescent reaction product is generated. In this way any modulation, induing both 
increases and descreases, may be monitored. Similarly, the use of reporter genes such as green 

2 0 fluorescent proteins and derivatives thereof facilitates high throughput screening for relevant analyte 
interactions, through the use of inducible promoters, for example. 

Generally, in a preferred embodiment, a candidate bioactive agent is added to the cells prior 
to analysis, and the cells allowed to incubate for some period of time. By "administration" or 
"contacting" herein is meant that the candidate agent is added to the cells in such a manner as to 

2 5 allow the agent to act upon the cell, whether by uptake and intracellular action, or by action at the cell 
surface. In some embodiments, nucleic acid encoding a proteinaceous candidate agent (i.e. a 
peptide) may be put into a viral construct such as a retroviral construct and added to the cell, such 
that expression of the peptide agent is accomplished; see PCT US97/01019, hereby expressly 
incorporated by reference. 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


Once the candidate agent has been administered to the cells, the cells can be washed if 
desired and are allowed to incubate under preferably physiological conditions for some period of time. 

The reactions outlined herein may be accomplished in a variety of ways, as will be 
appreciated by those in the art. Components of the reaction may be added simultaneously, or 
5 sequentially, in any order. In addition, the reaction may include a variety of other reagents may be 
included in the assays. These include reagents like salts, buffers, neutral proteins, e.g. albumin, 
detergents, etc which may be used to facilitate optimal detection, and/or reduce non-specific or 
background interactions. Also reagents that otherwise improve the efficiency of the assay, such as 
protease inhibitors, nuclease inhibitors, anti-microbial agents, etc., may be used. 

10 In general, at least one component of the assay is labeled. By "labeled" herein is meant that 

the compound is either directly or indirectly labeled with a label which provides a detectable signal, 
e.g. radioisotope, fluorescers, enzyme, antibodies, particles such as magnetic particles, 
chemiluminescers, or specific binding molecules, etc. Specific binding molecules include pairs, such 
as biotin and streptavidin, digoxin and antidigoxin etc. For the specific binding members, the 

15 complementary member would normally be labeled with a molecule which provides for detection, in 
accordance with known procedures, as outlined above. The label can directly or indirectly provide a 
detectable signal. 

Once the assay is run, the data is analyzed to determine the experimental outcome, i.e. either 
the presence or absence of a target analyte, the effect of a candidate agent on a cellular phenotype, 
2 0 etc. This is generally done using a computer. 

In this way, bioactive agents are identified. Compounds with pharmacological activity are 
able to alter a cellular phenotype. The compounds having the desired pharmacological activity may 
be administered in a physiologically acceptable carrier to a host, as previously described. The agents 
may be administered in a variety of ways, orally, parenterally e.g., subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, 

2 5 intravascular^, etc. Depending upon the manner of introduction, the compounds may be formulated 

in a variety of ways. The concentration of therapeutically active compound in the formulation may 
vary from about 0.1-100 wt.%. 

The pharmaceutical compositions can be prepared in various forms, such as granules, 
tablets, pills, suppositories, capsules, suspensions, salves, lotions and the like. Pharmaceutical grade 

3 0 organic or inorganic carriers and/or diluents suitable for oral and topical use can be used to make up 

WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


compositions containing the therapeutical ly-active compounds. Diluents known to the art include 
aqueous media, vegetable and animal oils and fats. Stabilizing agents, wetting and emulsifying 
agents, salts for varying the osmotic pressure or buffers for securing an adequate pH value, and skin 
penetration enhancers can be used as auxiliary agents. 

While this invention has been particularly shown and described with references to preferred 
embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and 
details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by 
the appended claims. 

WO 99/45357 




1. A biosensor for detecting the response of individual cells to at least one analyte of interest 

5 a) a substrate comprising a plurality of discrete sites; and 

b) a plurality of cells each dispersed at one of said discrete sites, wherein each cell is 
encoded with at least one optically interrogatable material. 

2. The biosensor of claim 1 wherein said substrate comprises a fiber optic array comprising a 

10 plurality of fibers, each fiber having a distal end and a proximal end, and said discrete sites comprise 
a plurality of microwells each formed on an end surface ofsaid distal end, and each one of said 
plurality of cells is dispersed in one of said microwells, wherein each of said cells is optically coupled 
and in optical 

communication with a distal end of at least one of said fibers in said array. 


3. The biosensor of claims 1 or 2 wherein said sites have an internal diameter ranging from about 1 
urn to about 200 urn, a depth ranging from about 0.25 urn to about 200 urn, and a volume ranging 
from about 1 fL to about 5 nanoliters. 

2 0 4. The biosensor of claims 2, or 3 wherein said fibers further comprise a fiber core having a diameter 

ranging from about 1 urn to about 200 urn. 

5. The biosensor of claims 1, 2, 3 or 4 wherein a surface of said sites are coated with a biologically 
compatible material. 


6. The biosensor of claims 1,2,3, 4, or 5 wherein an indicator compound is attached or inserted into 
at least one of said cells. 

7. The biosensor of claims 1 . 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 wherein said plurality of cells comprises at least two cell 

3 0 populations. 

WO 99/45357 



8. The biosensor of claim 7 wherein each cell population is encoded withat least one optically 
interrogatable materials selected from the groupconsisting of a dye, a fiuorophore, a chromophore, a 
chemiluminescent compound and a bioluminescent compound. 


9. An apparatus for detecting the response of individual cells to at least 
one analyte of interest comprising: 

a) a biosensor array comprising: 

i) a substrate comprising a plurality of discrete sites; and 
10 ii) a plurality of cells each dispersed at one of said discrete sites, wherein each cell is 

encoded with at least one optically interrogatable material. 

b) a detector means optically coupled to and in optical communication with said discrete sites 
on said substrate, said detector means capable of detecting an optical response of said cells 

dispersed in said discrete sites to an analyte. 


10. The apparatus of claim 9 wherein 

said substrate comprises a fiber optic array comprising a plurality of fibers, each fiber having 
a distal end and a proximal end; 

said discrete sites comprise a plurality of microwells each formed on an end surface ofsaid 
2 0 distal end of said fibers; 

each one of said plurality of cells is dispersed in one of said microwells; and 
said detector means is optically coupled to and in optical communication with a proximal end 
of said fibers for detecting an optical response of said cells at said distal fiber ends. 

2 5 1 1 . An apparatus according to claims 9 or 10, further comprising an excitation light energy means 
coupled to an end of said fibers. 

12. An apparatus according to claims 9, 10 or 1 1 further comprising an image capturing means for 
capturing images of detected optical responses from a plurality of said cells. 


WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


13. The apparatus of claim 12 wherein said image capturing means comprises a charge coupled 
device or CCD camera. 

14. A method for detecting the response of individual cells to at least one 
5 analyte of interest comprising: 

a) providing a biosensor array comprising: 

i) a substrate comprising a plurality of discrete sites; and 

ii) a plurality of cells each dispersed at one of said discrete sites, wherein each cell is 

encoded with at least one optically interrogatable material. 
10 b) contacting said biosensor array with an analyte of interest; and 

c) detecting an optical response of said ceils. 

15. The method of claim 14 wherein 

a) said providing a biosensor array comprises: 

15 i) a substrate comprising a fiber optic array comprising a plurality of fibers, each fiber 

having a distal end and a proximal end; 

ii) said discrete sites comprise a plurality of microwells each formed on an end 
surface of said distal end of said fibers; 

iii) each one of said plurality of cells is dispersed in one of said 
2 0 microwells; and 

b) said detecting comprises providing a detecting means optically coupled to 
and in optical communication with a proximal end of said fibers for detecting 
an optical response of said cells at said distal fiber ends. 

25 16. A method according to claims 14 or 15 wherein said analyte of interest 
comprises an optically detectable label. 

17. A method according to claims 14, 15, or 16 wherein said biosensor is contacted with a plurality of 


WO 99/45357 PCT/US99/04473 


18. A method of making a biosensor array for detecting the response of 
individual cells to at least one analyte of interest comprising: 

a) providing a substrate comprising a plurality of discrete sites; and 

b) contacting said substrate with a plurality of ceils sucht that each cell is dispersed at one of 
said discrete sites. 

19. A method according to claim 18 wherein 

a) said providing a substrate comprises a fiber optic array comprising 

i) a plurality of fibers, each fiber having a distal end and a proximal 
10 end; and 

ii) a plurality of microwells each formed on an end surface of said 
distal end; and 

b) said contacting comprises contacting said fiber optic array with a plurality 
of cells such that each cell is inserted Into one of said microwells. 


20 A method according to claims 18 or 19 wherein said plurality of cells 
comprises at least two cell populations. 

21 . A method according to claim 18, 19, or 20 wherein each ceil population is 

2 0 encoded with at least one optically interrogatable material selected from the group consisting of a dye, 
a fluorophore, a chromophore, a chemiluminescent compound and a bioluminescent compound. 

22. A method according to claim 21 further comprising indexing the location of individual cells in said 
array by emitted light energy produced by illuminating said encoded cells with excitation light energy. 


WO 99/45357 


1 / 10 

Cells in Wells Concept 





Imaging Fiber 


Array of Cells 

9 Cell Type #1 
^ Cell Type #2 
<§m Cell Type #3 

Schematic concept of an optical sensor array of cultured cells. A polished optical imaging fiber is chemically 
etched to produce an array of micron-sized wells at the distal l ace of the Fiber. Cells suspended in media above 
the array of wells settle into the wells and adhere lo the well bottom. The wells are etched such that each well 
accommodates one cell. Differences in core diameters and etch times can accommodate a wide variety of cell 
types and sizes. 

WO 99/45357 


2 / 10 


WO 99/45357 


3 / 10 

Cells in Wells Set-up 

Capillary Tube 
(1.5mm inner diameter) 

Cell Suspension 

Etched Optical Imaging Fiber 
(7jim core diameter, 5jim core 
depth, 1 mm fiber diameter) 

Mounting Tack 

Cells are deposited into wells at the distal face or an optical imaging fiber. Cells are trypsanized using aseptic 
technique to remove iliem from the cell culture dish and suspended in growih media. A portion of the cell 
suspension is concentrated using centrifugation and added to a 1 ,5mm diameter capillar,' tube. The etched tace 
of the fiber id inserted into the tube and secured in place with a thin strip of laboratory film, the tube/fiber set-up 
is then incubated in the vertical position for 12-15 hours for cell adhesion to occur. 

WO 99/45357 

4 / 10 


WO 99/45357 

5 / 10 






• »••-•» • ••• 

• • • • • *« • " 

• • 
• * 

* i 


Schematic representation of the response of cells adhered in wells to the acetoxymethyl 
(AM) ester form of the fluorscein derivative, bis-carboxyethyl bis-carboxy fluorscein 
(BCECF). The array of cells (A) is incubated in a solution of BCECF-AM (B) and then 
rinsed thoroughly. The non-fluorescent BCECF-AM passively enters the cell. Once 
inside the cell, the lypophillic blocking groups are cleaved by the non-specific esteraces 
resulting in an increase in fluorescent intensity (C). 

WO 99/45357 

6 / 10 


£ ~ ^ i> c 

= ~ 't = _ 

I I a* -£ « r ^ " > r 

! *|J llfll 

1 I * ! ^ HI 

\ t j Z * -r * *T - 3 u 

:-; J 13 2 5 S 5 S § 

C _ — 1 'j a; t 5 



C\ ■ 



WO 99/45357 

7 / 10 


WO 99/45357 

8 / 10 


WO 99/45357 PCTAJS99/04473 

10 / 10 

Cell Viability in Etched Microwells 

(average response of 25 cells) 

Without Sonication 

Time (min) 

With Sonication (-15 min) 

Time (min) 

Live Wavelength (515nm) 
Dead Wavelength ( 630nm) 

pr^T w International Bureau 

WORLU in international Bureau 

(51) International Patent Classification * : 
C12M3/04, 1/34 


(11) International Publication Number: WO 99/45357 

(43) international Publication Date: 10 September 1999 (10.09.99) 

International Application Number: 


(22) International Filing Date: 

2 March 1999 (02.03.99) 

(30) Priority Data: 


2 March 1998 (02.03.98) 


Hall, Medford, MA 02 1 55 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and WALT David, R. 

TAVXORTLaun, [US/US]; ISA Bradbury Avenue. 
Medford, MA 02155 (US). 
(74) Agent: CREEHAN. R.. Dennis; P.O. Box 750070, Arlington 
( Heights. MA 02175^)070 (US). 

ZW), Eurasian patent (AM AZ BY. KG BffiW £ 

55 CF.' CG, CI. CM. GA. GN. GW. ML. MR, NE. 


Z!XS2£*ZZ. UmU for amen d in g * cU- 
££ trekked in the event of the receipt of amendments. 

(88) Date of publication of the W^^XgW^I 

(57) Abstract 

A biosensor, sensor 
array, sensing method 
and sensing apparatus 
are provided in which 
individual cells or randomly 
mixed populations of cells, 
having unique response 
characteristics to chemical 
and biological materials, are 
deployed in a plurality of 
discrete sites in a substrate. 
In a preferred embodiment, 
the discrete sites comprise 
microwells formed at the 
distal end of individual 
fibers within a fiber optic 
array. The biosensor 
array utilizes an optically 
interrogatable encoding 
scheme for determining 
the identity and location of 
each type in the array and 
provides for simultaneous 
measurements of large 
numbers of individual cell 
responses to target analytes. 
The sensing method utilizes 



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The former Yugoslav 




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C6te d'lvoire 


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Republic of Korea 










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Russian Federation 










Sri Lanka 










tm tlonal Application No 

PCT/US 99/04473 


IPC 6 C12M3/04 C12M1/34 

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 

IPC 6 C12M 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are inc 

iuded in the fie 

ds searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used) 


Category • 

Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


FR 2 741 357 A (CORNING INC) 


23 May 1997 (1997-05-23) 


the whole document 




EP 0 539 888 A (SHIMADZU CORP) 


5 May 1993 (1993-05-05) 






figures 6,8 







15 April 1999 (1999-04-15) 

the whole document 


Further documents are listed in the continuation of box C. 


Patent family members are listed in annex. 

• Special categories of cited documents : 

"A* document defining the general state of the art which is not 

considered to be of particular relevance 
"E" earlier document but published on or after the international 

filing date 

"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s> or 
which is cited to establish the publication date of another 
citation or other special reason (as specified) 

"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or 
other means 

"P" document published prior to the international filing date but 
later than the priority date claimed 

"T" later document published after the international filing date 
or priority date and not In conflict with the application but 
cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the 

"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention 
cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to 
involve an inventive step when the document Is taken alone 

"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention 

cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the 
document is combined with one or more other such docu- 
ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled 
in the art. 

document member of the same patent family 

Oate of the actual completion of the international search 

2 March 2000 

Date of mailing of the international search report 


Name and mailing address of the ISA 

European Patent Office, P.8. 5618 Patentlaan 2 
NL - 2280 HVFHjswijk 
Tel. (+01-70) 340-2040, Tx. 31 651 epo nl, 
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 

Authorized officer 

Coucke, A 

Form PCT7ISA/521 0 (second sheet) (July 1 992) 

page 1 of 2 


Intt ionai Application No 

PCT/US 99/04473 


Category a Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, ot the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 

US 5 690 894 A (PINKEL DANIEL 
25 November 1997 (1997-11-25) 
cited in the application 
claims; figures 



Forni PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992) 

page 2 of 2 


information on patent family members 

Into ional Application No 

PCT/US 99/04473 

Patent document 


Patent family 


cited In search report 




FR 2741357 A 



0862540 A 



9719027 A 



































Form PCT/1&V210 (patent family annex) (July 1992) 

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